WNC : Consultation – shape the future of West Northamptonshire

WNC are consulting on a proposed West Northamptonshire Plan. The draft plan is here. The consultation closes on 20 February.

Have Your Say to shape the future of West Northamptonshire

Residents, businesses and organisations are being encouraged to get involved in shaping a new partnership vision for making West Northamptonshire the ‘beating heart of England’ by 2030. 

A six-week consultation launches today (10 January) seeking people’s views on the draft One West Northamptonshire Plan, a new joint strategy for how local partners and organisations can work more closely together over the next five years to help communities flourish and businesses prosper. 

The draft plan will bring together and build upon the key joint strategies and plans West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) and its partners have already developed during the first three years of the new unitary area, setting out a shared approach to addressing key priorities such as housing, wellbeing, economic growth, and improved services. 

People living and working in West Northants as well as local groups, organisations and businesses are encouraged to complete a survey by 20 February to help shape the draft plan so that it can then be finalised by the end of March. They can do this on the Council’s website or by visiting any of WNC’s libraries, as well as also providing their comments by email or post. 

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