Interesting Places, walks and other activities near Holcot


Footpath map website

Click here for an interactive map of local footpaths. On all footpaths, the landowners insist that all dogs are kept on a lead. Please clear up their poo too!

There is a good circular walk here.

Circular walks from the village are popular, taking in the village itself , surrounding footpaths, or Pitsford reservoir. The White Swan is very popular with locals and visitors. Additionally, there is a treasure hunt available – a gentle amble around Holcot taking about 45 minutes – the questions and answers are on the What’s On page.

Why not follow the local footpaths and end up at Elliot’s Rectory Farm for a coffee and a slice of cake. Click here to access their website for more details

Pitsford Reservoir

One of Holcot’s greatest attractions is Pitsford Water: we are very fortunate to have open access to the Southern Section.  There is a pretty cycle and walking track right around this southern section, and this is highly recommended.

An attractive alternative is the  adjacent field path which starts from a stile just outside the village on Brixworth Road, and runs across the countryside to the south of Pitsford Water; it  links to the path around Pitsford Water at two points to make circular routes.

Country Park and Cycling

Brixworth Country Park is situated at the western end of Pitsford Water.

It can be reached by foot or bicycle from Holcot, or by car from the roundabout at the south end of the Brixworth by-pass (A508).

The Park offers a large range of facilities including a cafe, picnic area, education & information centre, shop, exhibitions, cycle shop & cycle hire centre, and large car park.

The Country Park contains a wide selection of walks and planted areas with disabled access.

It also connects to the track which goes around the whole of the southern section of the reservoir and can be used by walkers and cyclists.

The whole of Pitsford Water is protected as an SSSI. Here are the main phone numbers:

Country Park (01604) 883920

Cycle Hire (01604) 881777

A running route suggestion

A running route of around 10 miles Holcot-Moulton-Pitsford is here.

Pitsford Water Fishing Lodge (off Brixworth Road, approx 600 metres west of Holcot crossroads)

Pitsford Water is a 750 acre reservoir owned by Anglian Water.

It is very popular for Fly Fishing.

Permits and Motor Boats for hire are available from the Fishing Lodge. (01604) 781350.


Pitsford Water is also home to the Northampton Sailing Club which is situation at the southern end with access from the roundabout on the A508 (see above).

The club hosts fleets of Mirror, GP14, Solo and other classes.  The Clubhouse has excellent changing and social facilities with a beautiful view over the reservoir. (01604) 880248


The northern end of Pitsford Water is a Nature Reserve managed by the Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust and is home to a variety of wildlife and many protected species.

The area offers excellent opportunities for bird watching.  Hides and display boards are provided to help you identify the wildlife.

Access is restricted but Permits with a Guided Walk Leaflet can be obtained from the Fishing Lodge

No dogs are allowed on the reserve.

For further details, contact: Pitsford Water Lodge, Brixworth Road, Holcot (01604) 781350 or follow this link.

Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust, Lings House, Billing Lings, Northampton (01604) 405285

Leaflets on these and other local attractions are available from Holcot Information Centre in the old phone box on Main Street near the Church.

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