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This page is monitored for updates regarding the Northampton North Sustainable Urban Expansion (SUE) – for the Northampton North Orbital Route (NNOR) and A43 dualling see this page – as information builds the historic data is retained.
Update 13 January 2020 Our Letter re DA/2020/0001 Site of A43 for 1600 dwellings
Update 16 June – A43 dualling – an update has been added here
Update 2 June – NCC
The application for the first 2,000 houses (Overstone Leys) has outline planning permission (with an associated S106). RM (other than landscaping) for Phase 1 (200 dwellings) were submitted as part of the outline application. An application for the surface water drainage works for Phase 1 has been approved. An application for the remaining phase 1 RM has been recently submitted. It is anticipated that an application for the balance of the site (Overstone Green – 1,500 dwellings) will be progressed by the end of 2016.
Update 4 April 2016 – NCC
(RM=Reserved Matters)
- Northampton North – the application for the first 2,000 houses (Overstone Leys) has outline planning permission (with an associated S106). RM (other than landscaping) for Phase 1 (200 dwellings) were submitted as part of the outline application. There is a current application for the surface water drainage works for Phase 1 and the applicant has still to submit applications for the remaining phase 1 RM and the discharge of other conditions. It is anticipated that an application for the balance of the site (Overstone Green – 1,500 dwellings) will be progressed by the end of 2016.
- A43 Northampton – Kettering Improvements The start of construction on the Phase 1b (Moulton Bypass) scheme has been delayed as some landowners have been unwilling to negotiate with us over the sections of their land required for the bypass. Compulsory Purchase Order procedures are therefore being instigated. However, should this lead to the need for a public inquiry, it is expected that this will lead to a delay in the start of construction of at least one year. We are therefore investigating whether it is possible to make an initial start on other sections of the overall improvements (including the Phase 2 dualling to the Holcot/Sywell roundabout).
Update 9 January 2016
Article regarding the north-west bypass.
Update 5 October 2015
Planning permission for Moulton bypass
Update 31 July 2015
Moulton Bypass due to be approved
Update 25 June 2015
A northern bypass between Holcot and Moulton?
Update 3 July 2015
A developer is already suggesting a route
Update 29 December 2014 – Planning Application DA/2013/0850 (Amended) re 2000 houses at Overstone Leys
The Parish Council have responded to this proposal. The Parish Council met with representatives of Northamptonshire Highways and the Highways team will prepare a Road Safety and Traffic Management Plan including costings – this will reflect the significant impact on Holcot of the developments, both during the works and afterwards.
In respect of the planning application we have asked that no works commence until after that Plan is provided and implemented, with funding coming from the property developers.
Update – 9 December 2014 – Moulton Bypass
A full planning application is due in January 2015.
Read article regarding the proposed A43 Moulton Bypass
NORTHAMPTON NORTH SUE – Update from the Parish Council
The independent planning inspector, Nigel Payne, has now reported that various large areas of land around Northampton can be designated for development to accommodate the growth of the town. Northampton North or Overstone Leys (see below outlined in red) is one of these sites which is now planned to accommodate 3500 dwellings with associated services and facilities to be developed over the next 15 years.
In his report, Nigel Payne has recommended or commented that :
- “measures that should help to ensure the continuing separate identity of the villages around the site”
- “significant contributions would also be required for highway improvements at Round Spinney and on the A43 corridor”
- “local residents and others have understandable concerns about the potential traffic implications for nearby villages”
- “additional measures may be necessary in the event that unforeseen consequences arise, including possible “rat running” through villages”
- “much of the area to the north of Moulton [Moulton Heights—see above outlined in blue] is detached from the existing urban area and of medium/high landscape sensi- tivity” i.e. not suitable for development at present.
A planning application has already been lodged by Barratt Homes Ltd for an initial development of 200 dwellings at the southern end of the site close to Round Spinney.
It is not anticipated that this small development will have a significant effect on Holcot but, as the development creeps northward the effects will be felt and we must prepare our submission for financial assistance to protect our village against unacceptable levels of traffic particularly at peak times. We will need guidance and advice and may need to consider employing professional assistance to prepare our case.
The Parish Council are also working with the County Council to start the discussion about traffic calming and control in Holcot.
If you require any further information, leave a comment on this page or contact :
Roger Gunnett 01604 781686 chair{at}
or visit:
and to view the inspectors report visit:
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