Parish Maintenance : Friends of Holcot

After a few months hiatus, the “Friends of Holcot” maintenance group will recommence on 11 October.

The Friends of Holcot are volunteers who help maintain the Parish. Amongst many others over the years, tasks have included tidying the washbrook, clearing overgrown vegetation, installing protective posts, painting benches, and repairing play equipment.

The group will meet next on Friday 11 October at 10am (location to be decided) and then fortnightly thereafter depending on tasks, weather etc. Sessions last up to 2 hours. No special skills or equipment are required – just a willingness to have an enjoyable couple of hours with a group of neighbours. There is no specific time commitment.

If you would like to find out more or register interest, please contact either Roger Gunnett – 07703 727627 or Peter Matthews – 07544 568261.

And don’t forget – the Friends of Holcot Gardening Group also meets occasionally. Contact Ruby ( to be put in touch.