Parishioners were asked to provide a single photo of family, or animals, scenes, or anything generally fun or interesting.
Lots of baking went on during lockdown (Kim Mabbutt) Derek in Rectory Lane (Kim Mabbutt) Pat McGlasson was 80 during the lockdown. Here she is watching a drive-by from her friends. (Margaret McGlasson) One of the churchyard gardens looking great in springtime (Kim Mabbutt) Heather Wilson led a project to create a new area of garden in the churchyard, thanking the NHS and key workers. On 18th April there was a lockdown drama, police helicopter tracking a thief jumping over fences. The police got their man. (Cameron Yuill) Holcot Church was lit on 7 May to mark the massive work and sacrifices of the NHS and key workers. Thanks to Paul of Mushroom Lighting. Much of the lockdown featured warm weather. This is Marble enjoying the sunshine. (Carol Walker) Isabelle in Back Lane (Kim Mabbutt) The Old School Site was decorated to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day on 8 May. (Phil Scordellis) Glebe Close held a distanced event to recognise the 75th anniversary of VE day on 8 May (Margaret Hooker) There were many small events with neighbours on the VE Day Bank Holiday. This was a hot dog delivery system in Back Lane (Dave Cooke) Despite the lockdown constraints, people put up decorations to mark VE Day – this is part of Brittens View (Rosie Walker) A flag flying in support of the NHS (Della Kirk) The playing field was closed for 3 months. When it reopened the equipment was taped up to avoid infections. During the pandemic the goals in the playing field were replaces, and new monkey bars installed. This was part of an ongoing project. To demonstrate support for the performing arts, events and everyone who work in them we had #lightitinred. Thanks to Paul Butler. The 75th anniversary of VJ Day on 15 August