Other local services

Holcot Parish Council provides the following information as a service to residents and the public.  It does not take responsibility for the accuracy of this information, or the content/security of any linked websites.

Holcot Hop-Craft

hhc logo

Holcot’s very own micro-brewery.

Contact Roger Gunnett 07703 727627

email : roger@gunnett.co.uk

Superfast Broadband

To get Superfast Broadband just call your broadband provider (150 for BT) or make your order online.

You can check whether you should be able to receive a service by clicking this link, but there have been no reported incidents of a service being unavailable in Holcot.

Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association

Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association provides affordable homes for rent in the village.

Priority is given to people with a local connection, for example if you work or have family locally.  When a specific home is available, we will advertise through the parish council. You will need to be registered with Daventry Council housing team at http://www.daventrydc.gov.uk/living/housing/homechoice/ to bid for a home.

In the meantime, if you have a housing need, find out more at www.northamptonshirerha.org.uk/find-a-home or call us on 01530 278080.

“Help for Holcot” group

The Group of village people who are offering their services to back-up your usual support routines are operating.

The ‘Help for Holcot” group will offer help where it is needed – for example, where the person who usually collects your prescriptions is not available, someone from the Group will help you out. The objective is not to replace any regular arrangements but to be a helping hand when needed.

If such a situation happens to you, ring Lesley on 781246 and the “Help for Holcot” group will do their best to help.

Defibrillator – Main Street

Attached to the Book Exchange is Holcot’s community defibrillator.

If you need to report anything about the defibrillator contact the Parish Clerk – clerk{at}holcotvillage.co.uk

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Book Exchange – Main Street, Holcot

Outside the Church Room is the Book Exchange – the principle is “take one, leave one”!

Northamptonshire e-library

Do you use the Northamptonshire Libraries e-library service? You can get;

  • e-Books
  • e-Audiobooks
  • e-Magazines
  • Music Downloads

You can either sign-up using your existing library card (you will need a PIN), join a physical library if you don’t already have a card and then sign-up, or join as a virtual member (i.e.; without access to physical books, DVDs etc).

More details can be found here.

Age UK – Handyman and other services

Age UK have a Handyperson Service. The service is provided by volunteers, and managed by Age UK.

They provide practical, DIY type help to keep people happy and safe in their own homes.  Common jobs are fitting stair banister rails, putting up shelves, dealing with tripping hazards and fitting key safes. Their aim is to take away some of the worry of maintaining home and garden as people become unable to do things for themselves.

If you would like to contact Age UK to make use of the service (a small charge is made) or offer you skills as a volunteer, please contact them on 01536 524986. Further information concerning Age UK and their full range of services is available on this website.


The mobile library no longer visits Holcot. See this page for alternative library services or visit the Book Exchange on Main Street.



LOCAL BUSINESSES – links to websites

Village pub:   https://www.holcotvillage.co.uk/white-swan-inn/ 
Show Ground & CarBoot Sales: http://www.holcot-showground.co.uk    
Car sales & repairs   

Homegrown Veg https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057558484979

Mobile Sight Centre

Are your loved ones or friends blind or partially sighted?
Are you wondering what to buy them for as a gift?
Then why not visit one of NAB’s (Northamptonshire Association for the Blind) Sight Centres to see a range of different gift ideas.  For addresses, call their Helpline on 01604 719193

Is sight-loss making life difficult for you, your loved-ones, or friends or neighbours?  Why not use NAB’s countywide Enable Service which can help with friendly advice, information, practical assistance and equipment to reduce the impact of visual impairment – for you, and your family or carers. The Enable Service – confidential, free and there for you when you need it.  Get in touch with NAB today to arrange a home visit  Helpline:01604 719193 • Email:helpline@nab.org.uk  www.nab.org.uk

Please also share the above information with friends and neighbours who have any problems at all with their sight.


The Cabin In The Garden offers a selection of previously owned books (fiction) including a small section for older children.
All books £2.00 each with a Read & Return refund of £1.00.
Mondays and Saturdays from 2pm – 4.30pm or other times by arrangement
Find us at 8 Moulton Road, Ring us on 01604 781933 or email elisabeth.sable@googlemail.com

Useful Contact Numbers

Please click here for a whole list of useful numbers for local support groups, local council offices as well as emergency numbers

Daventry and District Over 50s Forum

On behalf of the Daventry & District Over 50’s Forum and working in partnership with local organisations please find attached some Health & Wellbeing Resource Packs that we have been provided with:-

  • The British Red Cross Wellbeing Resource Pack (wellbeing techniques for resilience development & first aid toolkit)
  • Has the pandemic had an impact on your health and wellbeing? Click here for tip
  • Active at Home booklet from NSport for Older People

The Alzheimer’s Society and the Royal College of Nursing

‘This Is Me’ Leaflet is for anyone receiving professional care who is living with dementia, experiencing delirium or other communication difficulties.  It’s a support tool to enable person-centred care and can be used to record details about a person who can’t easily share information about themselves.  For example, it can be used to record a person’s cultural and family background, important events, people and places from their life, their preferences, and routines.  The leaflet can be used in any setting – at home, in hospital, in respite care or in a care home.  I’ve attached a copy, if you would like to order some please visit https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/publications-factsheets/this-is-me

Friends Against Scams

Aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering people to take a stand against scams.   The age range of scam victims is 19 – 106 years old.  Please see below information on who to contact to report or get advice.  Scams are a crime, if you feel that an individual is in immediate danger contact 999.  If there is no immediate threat, report the crime via the non-emergency number 101.  Please visit https://www.friendsagainstscams.org.uk/become-a-friend and https://www.thinkjessica.com/where you can order the ‘Don’t Fall for a scam’ booklet from the Charity called Think Jessica, who help protect elderly and vulnerable people from being victims to scams, they are a valuable source of information and includes a ‘no cold-calling’ window sign that residents can display

Northamptonshire Carers

Are you a carer, are in need of a carer, would like to volunteer or donate? Then please read the below excerpt from their website and visit the link at the bottom of this post to find out more.
Who are carers?

One of the challenges we face as a charity is being clear to our followers and supporters just what a carer is.

In recent times, on the back of an ageing population we hear the word carer more frequently than ever before.

The media talks about ‘carers’, often in reference to those working in a paid care role.

It would be helpful for us if these ‘paid’ carers were referred to as ‘care workers’. 

We define ‘care workers’ as employed staff who work in care homes or visit the vulnerable in their own homes and provide living assistance. 

Within our organisation we know carers as anyone who cares for someone in an unpaid capacity. The NHS website defines a carer as:-

 Anyone, including children and adults, who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid 

Any one of us could find ourselves in this position at any time.

Ask yourself if your child, parent , friend or spouse suddenly became ill with a condition that required additional support. Would you help them? If so, you would become an unpaid carer.

Often, the carers we help find themselves in their current position gradually. Loved ones may have needed minor assistance initially but as their needs have grown it has become an increasing pressure on their lives. It is reported that it can take carers an average two years to admit they have fallen into this role. (NHS Website)

We support unpaid carers of all ages – from young children, through to teenagers, adults and the elderly. Often, these individuals are caring for their loved ones whilst trying to maintain an education or full time job. 

With unpaid carers making up 10% of our population it is of more importance than ever that organisations exist that offer advice and help to those most in need.

Care-giving can leave individuals feeling mentally and physically exhausted, isolated and unable to partake in activities that many of us take for granted.

At Northamptonshire Carers we will continue to educate people about the challenges that are faced by unpaid carers. At the last census there were 70,000 carers within our County and everything we do as an organisation is aimed at assisting these individuals.

We always need support in the form of volunteers and fundraisers. We run many events throughout the year that you could get involved with and help us further – please contact us today to see how you can help

Please click here for more information and visit the website

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