WNC : Recycling centres to open 7 days/week

WNC are to open the Brixworth and other centres 7 days a week (10am-4pm) from 1 April.

Residents will soon be able to take their waste to recycling centres across West Northants 7 days a week offering a better service and value for money this spring.

Starting from 1 April, West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) will enter a new contract with FCC Waste Services, better known as FCC Environment, to manage all six recycling centres across the area – Sixfields, Ecton Lane, Daventry, Towcester and Brixworth Household Recycling Centres and Farthinghoe Recycling and Reuse Centre.

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WNC : Wellbeing service

WNC are raising awareness of their wellbeing services.

Formerly the Supporting Independence Programme, the new WNC Wellbeing Service, is working alongside Adult Social Care to support individuals, free of charge, to prevent and/or delay any decline in independence. Working with individuals on a one-to-one basis, we can provide tailored, in-house support in several areas of their life and aim to maximise all the support on offer in their local community, reducing the need for health and Adult Social Care services.

Examples of support include:

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WNC : Consultation – shape the future of West Northamptonshire

WNC are consulting on a proposed West Northamptonshire Plan. The draft plan is here. The consultation closes on 20 February.

Have Your Say to shape the future of West Northamptonshire

Residents, businesses and organisations are being encouraged to get involved in shaping a new partnership vision for making West Northamptonshire the ‘beating heart of England’ by 2030. 

A six-week consultation launches today (10 January) seeking people’s views on the draft One West Northamptonshire Plan, a new joint strategy for how local partners and organisations can work more closely together over the next five years to help communities flourish and businesses prosper. 

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Mental health support

A reminder that WNC provides 24/7 mental health support through Shout.

24-hour mental health support, 365 days a year is available through your mobile phone.

Just text the word ‘IMATTER’ to 85258 to be connected to a trained Shout Volunteer. The service is open around the clock and can help with issues such as anxiety, stress, loneliness, depression and suicidal thoughts. The conversation, which takes place entirely by text message, aims to help the texter reach a calmer place with a plan to move forward. It will also signpost them to further support available locally.

NHS and WNC : Mental Health help

There is a wealth of information to help with our mental health. WNC and NHS have provided a summary.

Everyone has mental health. MIND states that ‘good mental health typically means being able to think, feel and react in the ways that you need and want to live your life’. We all need to take care of our mental health, even if we do not have a mental health problem.

Mental health problems can affect anyone and are a common experience. There is a range of support available that can help you or someone you know. You can find out more using the links below:

You can find information here: Every Mind Matters – NHS

There is also a local mental wellbeing service directory where you can find out about what help is available: 

Mental health services and support | West Northamptonshire Council (westnorthants.gov.uk)

Locally, we also have a 24/7 mental health number run by NHFT:

The Mental Health Number | NHFT

This also includes a text service.