Being a Parish Councillor

You will have seen that Holcot Parish Council has a vacancy for a Councillor. We also expect a second vacancy shortly.

I was asked for further information about the role of a Parish Councillor. The Good Councillor’s Guide is a great place to start.

In Holcot, Councillors are involved in representing and supporting many aspects of the community, from ensuring that the street lighting works, through dealing with West Northants Council highways, planning and other services. Councillors look after the playing field, maintain community communications through the website and newsletter, and help Parishioners deal with specific issues…. and a whole lot more.

Want to help lead Holcot’s response to the Green Hill Solar Farm? Road safety? Local massive housebuilding? Our response to climate change? Please consider becoming a Parish Councillor!

Find out more about Holcot Parish Council here.

Training and support for Councillors and the Council is available through NCALC, and Ruby our Clerk.

Subject to the public notice period ending on 11 April without a request for an election, the Parish Council is able to co-opt (ie; appoint) a new Councillor. I will send out a post after 11 April describing the simple process to put yourself forward.

In the meantime, if you would like to know more about the role of Parish Councillor and what it entails, please give me a call on 07802 416704 or chat to any Councillor.

David Walker, Chair

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